- Features
- Installation Guide

Enhance iPhone's standard 'Phone' application by adding call by call delete function and get unlimited calls history.

Group calls by date, contact, person and type
Split all calls into four filtered lists as
- All
- Dialed
- Received
- Missed
Enabling 'Group By Date'option filters and lists all the calls by date. Enabling 'Group By Contact' option lists all the calls by Contact or phone numbers. On the right side of the call history record, the amount of calls from Contact/phone number based on whole calls history is shown. Additionally at the top and bottom of the calls list summary of the calls is shown on the screen.

Sync with iTunes
With CallLogPro you can sync all your unlimited call history with iTunes. Even you can backup/restore an existing call history database and can sync the backup databases with iTunes. So never loose any important call history while upgrading or restoring your iPhone to a new iOS

Delete Calls
CallLogPro brings possibility to remove a record of a single call. Additionally it allows to remove all calls of the specific contact or number from detailed calls list of the contact or directly from main lists if grouping is enabled. And also it provides a way to delete all calls based on the date.

Unlimited call history
With CallLogPro you can keep unlimited calls in history (big amount of calls can slow down performance of the application). 'Auto Clean Up' option brings possibility to define behavior of automatic calls deletion.

Currently CallLogPro offers supports for four native languages. And near future more local languages supports will be added.
- English (default)
- Italian
- German
- Japanese