Commercial App: $2.99
(No trial)

This is a beta release only.
Please be certain you are comfortable with troubleshooting potential problems or rolling back to a previous release before installing.

The best all in one caller identification solution for your iDevice

The all in one perfect caller ID solution for your iDevice. No clue who is calling you and don't know whom you missed? Don't worry, now this all in one perfect caller ID solution will make your life is more simple. Just install this and TrueCaller on your device and just start searchin the calls from you stack apps like Phone, Messages, CallBar & Notification Center and even from the Recents (tweak).

*Screenshots shown in the below section are rendered with Copic.

  • Search over 2 billion phone numbers
  • Integrated with Phone, Messages, CallBar, Lock Screen, Notification Center and Recents
  • Search instantly wihtout launching safari or TrueCaller
  • Rich Feature Set
  • Search instantly if you have a missed call or recieving calls.